
SW4STM32 and SW4Linux fully supports the STM32MP1 asymmetric multicore Cortex/A7+M4 MPUs

   With System Workbench for Linux, Embedded Linux on the STM32MP1 family of MPUs from ST was never as simple to build and maintain, even for newcomers in the Linux world. And, if you install System Workbench for Linux in System Workbench for STM32 you can seamlessly develop and debug asymmetric applications running partly on Linux, partly on the Cortex-M4.
You can get more information from the ac6-tools website and download (registration required) various documents highlighting:

System Workbench for STM32

problem with debugging the GPIO existing code on the stm32L4RG board

Hi Neham,

Maybe there’s a relationship between your first issue and the second one.

Your C/C++ Application should be pointing to the .elf file generated on your Debug folder, like this: Debug/YourProjectName.elf

In your case I think is something like: Debug/STM32L476RG_NUCLEO.elf

Clarifying the meaning of “your GDB is not able to find symbols” is that Ac6 STM32 Debugger is GDB, and as you are pointing to a .c file GDB is not finding the debug symbols... The debug symbols is inside .elf file

I think everything should be solved pointing to the right .elf file


Hi Dalino,

Thanks a lot.

We are not able to locate .elf file anywhere in our project. After building our project, in debug folder of our project explorer, there are only .mk files but not .elf file. Anyway we searched .elf in our whole project, instead of STM32L476RG_NUCLEO.elf we found STM32L476RG_NUCLEO.elf.launch file in the location “/home/controller/Ac6/SystemWorkbench/STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.8.0/STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.8.1/Projects/STM32L476RG-Nucleo/Examples/GPIO/GPIO_EXTI/TrueSTUDIO/STM32L476RG_NUCLEO”.

I dont know why .elf file is not generating after building our project successfully? please suggest

one more thing to clarify, whenever we are building our project, in Debugger configuration under debugger tab, “STM32L476RG_FLASH.ld” file is loaded automatically instead of .elf file. and it is showing the same error - Error in final launch sequence
Failed to execute MI command:
symbol-file /home/controller/Ac6/SystemWorkbench/STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.8.0/STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.8.1/Projects/STM32L476RG-Nucleo/Examples/GPIO/GPIO_EXTI/TrueSTUDIO/STM32L476RG_NUCLEO/STM32L476RG_FLASH.ld

Error message from debugger back end:
`/home/controller/Ac6/SystemWorkbench/STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.8.0/STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.8.1/Projects/STM32L476RG-Nucleo/Examples/GPIO/GPIO_EXTI/TrueSTUDIO/STM32L476RG_NUCLEO/STM32L476RG_FLASH.ld’: can’t read symbols: File format not recognized.

Please find the attached screenshot of debug folder having only .mk file not .elf file.


Hi Danilo,

I am not able to locate .elf file in debug folder after running the project.

Please help me with this issue.
