Import Project Application from CubeMX Repository
I have seached the forum regarding this frequent topic and find that the basic question is still not answered. That is how does one implement a project application from the CubeMX Respository. In my case I am trying to import code created to demonstrate the LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTOS application in the Projects>STM32746G-Discovery folder. there is no documentation that I can find to guide the process leading up to code generation. Importing the project from the repo into SW4STM32 creates a project that has all of the includes indexed wrong. Generating a project first in CubeMX for the Disco board kit makes a project that compiles but is obviously missing the application specific code. After that importing the source files and includes from the project application porduces erros of various types including include statements within include files that reference a .h file with a path that does not exist.
I am likely missing something.
Any ideas what?