Firmware Install Issues
I have a new install and I am trying to download the firmware for the board STM32F303
I do this by creating a new C Project, Ac6STM32 MCU Project, Series STM32F3, Board NUCLEO-F303RE
StdPeriph and CubeHal both have this issue.
Logs say
Download Target Firmware
Downloading base firmware material
Unzinppping Perform clean up
Then I get a Error Dialog
Firmware Installation Process Issue
Sounds firmware installation has failed for internal reason
I have Java JDK installed and I have run Help -> CHeck for Updates till no updates are available. (I installed the installer below)
Latest Windows 7 64 bit installer Version v2.0, updated on Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at 18:01:54 CEST):
Installer: install_sw4stm32_win_64bits-v2.0.exe
I have also tried other boards as well.
Eclipse Version Information
Windows 10, 64 Bit install.
Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers
Version: Neon.3 Release (4.6.3)
Build id: 20170314-1500
In the directory C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Ac6\SW4STM32 there are two direrectories board_def and
.tmp_STM32FirmwareInstall_499495885862344517 (Directrory)
.tmp_STM32FirmwareInstall_1565592567875179932 (Directrory)
board_def is empty
What am I doing wrong?