
SW4STM32 and SW4Linux fully supports the STM32MP1 asymmetric multicore Cortex/A7+M4 MPUs

   With System Workbench for Linux, Embedded Linux on the STM32MP1 family of MPUs from ST was never as simple to build and maintain, even for newcomers in the Linux world. And, if you install System Workbench for Linux in System Workbench for STM32 you can seamlessly develop and debug asymmetric applications running partly on Linux, partly on the Cortex-M4.
You can get more information from the ac6-tools website and download (registration required) various documents highlighting:

System Workbench for STM32

Setting SW4STM32 to debug an external project (created without CubeMX)?


I was introduced to CubeMX code generation and SW4STM32 debugging in a STM workshop.
I figured I could use this tool to debug a github project (INavflight). Indeed I have already the program flashed on my board (MCU F427), and would like to learn from the code running step by step about program structure and most of all MCU features like core, timers, DMA...

I have Eclipse installed on Linux, with SW4STM32 and CubeMX plugins. I already used it successfully to debug a Led blink program on a L4 Nucleo board.

I imported in a workspace the github code which compiled OK. But as this project was not generated using CubeMX, I have issues setting up debugging.
What files do the project need to launch SW4STM32 debugger? I think of the xml file for board description, the debug script. Maybe the .ioc file with MicroXplorer entries? Am I missing much more?
I am currently stuck with the debug profile not recognizing the MCU/board, which invalidates the tab and prevents from saving the debug script in next tab.
MCU Selection
STlink Issue
I already tweaked and imported xml, cfg and ioc files, without success. How far am I?

Thank you for your time, best regards,
Maxime C.



First guess main missing data are part of .cproject file. Sounds to me quite hazardous to hope to get a SW4STM32 project running from “nothing”.
My advice would be to create a SW4STM32 project Thanks dedicated New Project wizard. Once such done let’s add your source files, libraries, etc. Sounds to me such way is safer ...


There is no .cproject in my linux filesystem contrary to windows, or is it hidden? In linux I do not have any project folder, only a .ioc, a .xml and a .cfg and a .ld .
Are there readings about project files generated by CubeMX? I found little information about project files in user manual UM1718.

I cannot figure how to set MCU config creating a new project with wizard with SW4STM32, without using CubeMX, is it possible?

I could also configure a complete project in CubeMX and get a clean .ioc but I will have a hard time configuring clocks pins channels, timers...

Or maybe is debugging with Eclipse and OpenOCD only much simpler?

I found that settings are missing a few tabs in my github workspace compared to the CubeMX-generated LED_blink workspace :
Screenshot From 2017 10 01 20 50 11
Project files are hidden on linux?



It seems that, for the second screenshot, you do not create an Ac6 System Workbench project, but a standard Eclipse project, perhaps a Makefile CDT project, where you set up the compiler manually in the Makefile and debug configuration.

Please follow the tutorial on Getting started with System Workbench for STM32 to create your first project, it will be simpler.

Regarding the project definition files, their names are “.project” and “.cproject”, meaning they are hidden files on Linux. To see them you should either use the “-a” option of “ls” on the command line or parameterize the file explorer to show hidden files. In the project explorer view of System Workbench for STM32, open the “View Menu”, select “Customize view” and deselect “.* resources”. 2017 10 01 211435

Bernard (Ac6)

Thank you for your inputs! I indeed managed to start a new Ac6 project, build and launch debugging.
Best regards.