
Zephyr project on STM32

   Zephyr Workbench, a VSCode extension to manage Zephyr on STM32.
It enables users to easily create, develop, and debug Zephyr applications.
Main features:
  • Install host dependencies.
  • Import toolchain and SDK.
  • Create, configure, build and manage apps.
  • Debug STM32.
You can directly download it from the VSCode marketplace
For more details, visit the Zephyr Workbench

System Workbench for STM32

[Solved - sort-of] Pre-install probelm for sw4stm32 ide


I am trying to install the 64-bit sw4stm32 ide on Debian Bookworm. According to this website, (see https://www.openstm32.org/Downloading%2Bthe%2BSystem%2BWorkbench%2Bfor%2BSTM32%2Binstaller)Question I need to ensure that both libc6:i386 and lib32ncurses5 re installed, due to the compiler and other tools being 32-bits.

I tried to do this using “sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 lib32ncurses5”, as shown on the website. The system responded with :
~$ sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 lib32ncurses5
sudo password for stuart:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package libc6:i386
E: Unable to locate package lib32ncurses5

Can someone please suggest how these packages can be installed ?
