
SW4STM32 and SW4Linux fully supports the STM32MP1 asymmetric multicore Cortex/A7+M4 MPUs

   With System Workbench for Linux, Embedded Linux on the STM32MP1 family of MPUs from ST was never as simple to build and maintain, even for newcomers in the Linux world. And, if you install System Workbench for Linux in System Workbench for STM32 you can seamlessly develop and debug asymmetric applications running partly on Linux, partly on the Cortex-M4.
You can get more information from the ac6-tools website and download (registration required) various documents highlighting:

System Workbench for STM32

Unable to install Cube HAL in firmware configuration.

I know nothing about ARM chips, or really any embedded programming at all. I want to learn though, so I purchased a book that was recently released (this oneQuestion if you are wondering), which teaches embedded programming on a NUCLEO F030R8 development board.

The book has instructed me to set up System Workbench for STM32 on Eclipse, which I have done successfully. I am now attempting to create a new project exactly as the book directs, and I have come to this dialog right here:

The book tells me to select the “Hardware Abstraction Layer (Cube HAL)” radio, and then click the “Download target firmware” button. When I do this, a new dialog appears asking me to accept the license agreement. When I do so, the “C Project” window as pictured above flashes for a single frame before reverting to how it is now. There is no indication that any download has started or is in progress. After waiting for a little while, I have determined no download has taken place.

While I’m sure it’s possible to proceed without the abstraction layer, I wish to follow as closely with the book as I can, because that is how I learn the best. I do not want to move on until I can get this HAL installed properly. Is there an alternative method of installing it? I haven’t found anything on Google.

My system information:
OS: Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS 64 bit
Board: STM NUCLEO F030R8

Did anyone figure this out? I am having the exact same problem.

I’m working from the same book, and I just want to be absolutely sure you installed the STM32 System Workbench from this site and didn’t try installing it as a plugin in Eclipse. I made this mistake as well, and unless you’re very careful, it probably won’t work.

The book mentions not installing System Workbench as a plugin in passing, but to be more clear, it won’t work if you use the most up-to-date version of Eclipse. You have to either download and install the System Workbench from this site or use at the latest Eclipse release 2019-12 to have it working properly. STM32 System Workbench is actually based on Neon.3, which is from all the way back in 2017. Apparently, the network API changed in later versions of Eclipse and it just silently fails.

In short, if you want it to work “out of the box” like is in the book, download the installer from this site. Don’t try doing it on your own Eclipse install.

I am starting to lose track of the software I installed and uninstalled and reinstalled and and and....

I see I have several Eclipse versions installed, but I will keep 2019-12. I uninstalled all other Eclipses, STM and AC6 software.

Everything is “clean” now.

I will redo the procedure and install the STM32 System Workbench from this site just to make sure

I am installing System Workbench via installer into /Applications/Ac6/

I have completed the cleanup, installed Eclipse 2019-12, and installed System Workbench into /Applications/Ac6/SystemWorkbench.app

OK, it’s still showing that it needs to install the firmware.

I see a small downloader that appears to be doing something. Look at the very bottom of the picture. We’ll see if this works. The downloader is very, very slow, so be patient and let it finish.

Firmware installer just keeps restarting. I’ve waited 3 hours or so for it to finish and it has not done so. This is unbelievably annoying that Eclipse sucks so much.

It gets about halfway through 256mb and restarts.

Not sure what to do now. About to give up on this terrible software system and move on to something else.


1) Removed all ST related software and all Eclipse versions except 2019-12.

2) Downloaded ST Workbench directly and did not install it as a plugin. It is in /Applications/Ac6.

3) Eclipse works and I installed STM software as directed in Eclipse.

4) When I make a new project, the firmware never downloads. I waited over three hours. Procedure:

a) Create a new C or C++ project

b) Click C Managed Build template

c) Under C Project, give it the name “03.blink” and choose Ac6 STM32 MCU project with toolchain Ac6 STM32 MCU GCC

d) Under Select Configurations, I uncheck “Release” and leave “Debug” checked.

e) Under Target Configuration, I choose board NUCLEO-F030R8

f) Under Firmware Configuration, I choose Hardware Abstraction Layer (Cube HAL).

i) I click Firmware Installation

ii) On the next page, there is only one repository: /Users/tom/.ac6/SW4STM32/firmwares. This is likely wrong. I need the link that should be used.

I also notice that when I just go to Cube HAL and click Download Target Firmware, it initiates a download. This is very slow. It shows a 256 MB limit. The counter slowly increases but never gets to 256 MB. Then it changes to a lower number. I guess it’s opening several connections. None ever finish.

I noticed that the tmp download locations are empty.

tom @ enforcer ~/.ac6/SW4STM32/firmwares
└─ ▶ ls -lAF
total 16
-rw-r--r--@ 1 tom staff 6148 Oct 6 21:42 .DS_Store
drwx-- 2 tom staff 64 Oct 15 21:46 .tmp_STM32FirmwareInstall_14385975529623372012/
drwx-- 2 tom staff 64 Oct 15 21:57 .tmp_STM32FirmwareInstall_5007370497231683190/
drwx-- 2 tom staff 64 Oct 16 21:42 .tmp_STM32FirmwareInstall_8777613485607016108/

tom @ enforcer ~/.ac6/SW4STM32/firmwares/.tmp_STM32FirmwareInstall_5007370497231683190
└─ ▶ ls -l
total 0