
SW4STM32 and SW4Linux fully supports the STM32MP1 asymmetric multicore Cortex/A7+M4 MPUs

   With System Workbench for Linux, Embedded Linux on the STM32MP1 family of MPUs from ST was never as simple to build and maintain, even for newcomers in the Linux world. And, if you install System Workbench for Linux in System Workbench for STM32 you can seamlessly develop and debug asymmetric applications running partly on Linux, partly on the Cortex-M4.
You can get more information from the ac6-tools website and download (registration required) various documents highlighting:

System Workbench for STM32

mfloat-abi=soft appears on subdirs


Hi scopa,

Modifying the plugin.xml file (for plugin fr.ac6.mcu.ide I presume) is quite a bad idea for at least two reasons:

  1. Next time you update this plugin, you will have to edit plugin.xml again
  2. It changes the defaukt to hard-float for all MCUs, even those without an FPU

Normally, if you select the proper MCU when creating the project, the FPU selection will be adjusted automatically to hard-float if there is an FPU in the MCU, so editing the plugin.xml file should anyway be totaly useless.

Bernard (Ac6)