Zephyr Workbench, a VSCode extension to manage Zephyr on STM32.
It enables users to easily create, develop, and debug Zephyr applications.
Main features:
Install host dependencies.
Import toolchain and SDK.
Create, configure, build and manage apps.
Debug STM32.
You can directly download it from the VSCode marketplace
For more details, visit the Zephyr Workbench
Hi, i think the line
char in_ccram_buffer1024attribute((section(“ccmram”)));
is missing a dot in front of ccram, should be
char in_ccram_buffer1024attribute((section(“.ccmram”)));
Are you sure this makes sense? I’m just learning this and I’m trying to figure this out, but comparing to code from STM32Cube, which seems reasonable, it should be
_siccmram = LOADADDR(.ccmidata)
ldr r3, =_siccmram
(although it wouldn’t be called ‘ram’ now, as it would address of the section in flash)
The _estack values above should be:
_estack = 0x20020000; /* one byte after last RAM address*/
_estack = 0x10010000; /* one byte after end of CCMRAM */
to be 8-byte aligned or you will see errors printing longs and floats
Thanks for the heads-up; the linker scripts had been updated a while ago, but this documentation page was missed...
Bernard (Ac6)
Hi, i think the line
char in_ccram_buffer1024 attribute((section(“ccmram”)));
is missing a dot in front of ccram, should be
char in_ccram_buffer1024 attribute((section(“.ccmram”)));
Are you sure this makes sense? I’m just learning this and I’m trying to figure this out, but comparing to code from STM32Cube, which seems reasonable, it should be
_siccmram = LOADADDR(.ccmidata)
ldr r3, =_siccmram
(although it wouldn’t be called ‘ram’ now, as it would address of the section in flash)