
SW4STM32 and SW4Linux fully supports the STM32MP1 asymmetric multicore Cortex/A7+M4 MPUs

   With System Workbench for Linux, Embedded Linux on the STM32MP1 family of MPUs from ST was never as simple to build and maintain, even for newcomers in the Linux world. And, if you install System Workbench for Linux in System Workbench for STM32 you can seamlessly develop and debug asymmetric applications running partly on Linux, partly on the Cortex-M4.
You can get more information from the ac6-tools website and download (registration required) various documents highlighting:

System Workbench for STM32

System workbench unable to flah the programme

I am new to the STM environment. I am getting these errors while i am trying to flash a code generated by CubeMX to the MCU. I was following a video on Udemy to get to this step and i started getting a bunch of errors. I am using STM32 L053R8 NUCLEO board. I also changed my mini type-b to usb wire to a new one. I updated my drivers and I am running Windows 10. One thing to note is that when I tried to flash the .elf file to the MCU using the CubeProgrammer it worked flawlessly. Can anyone suggest me a solution. Thankyou.

    • Programming Started **

auto erase enabled
Info : Device: STM32L0xx (Cat. 3)
Info : STM32L flash size is 64kb, base address is 0x8000000
Error: jtag status contains invalid mode value - communication failure
Info : Previous state query failed, trying to reconnect
Error: error writing to flash at address 0x08000000 at offset 0x00000000
embedded:startup.tcl:476: Error: ** Programming Failed **
in procedure ‘program’
in procedure ‘program_error’ called at file “embedded:startup.tcl”, line 535
at file “embedded:startup.tcl”, line 476

14:24:46 Build Finished (took 921ms)