
Zephyr project on STM32

   Zephyr Workbench, a VSCode extension to manage Zephyr on STM32.
It enables users to easily create, develop, and debug Zephyr applications.
Main features:
  • Install host dependencies.
  • Import toolchain and SDK.
  • Create, configure, build and manage apps.
  • Debug STM32.
You can directly download it from the VSCode marketplace
For more details, visit the Zephyr Workbench
Location : OpenSTM32 Community Site » Documentation » Site Help » About OpenSTM32 About OpenSTM32

About OpenSTM32

The OpenSTM32 web site is the home for all developers building embedded systems based on the ARM-based STM32 family of micro-controller-units (MCUs) from STMicroelectronics using the OpenSTM32 free development environment.

This web site is expected to become a central meeting point for the STM32 users community; most of its content is open for your contributions. This site is your site, just use it and enhance it.

How to navigate the OpenSTM32 site

This web site is structured in several areas, where you will find a lot of information on “System Workbench for STM32 - Bare Machine Edition”, the free IDE for STM32 development, and on using STM32 processors for your embedded systems.

However, anonyous users can only browse the site; to participate in the community you must register on the web site and, if you want to submit new pages in the Wiki or publish your own blog, you must request an upgrade to the Author status by sending a mail to webmaster@openstm32.org, describing who you are and what kind of content you would like to contribute.

The main areas available are:


The OpenSTM32 Wiki will contain user-maintained documentation on the IDE and on usage of STM32 in embedded systems.


Editors may create their own blog and post information in it; blog subjects must be related to STM32 embedded systems and the System Workbench for STM32 IDE.


Frequently asked questions, usually coming from Forum discussions, will be collected and sorted here; when you have any question, you should first search here or in the Wiki before opening a new topic in one of the forums.

Editors will be able to collect forum discussions, edit them and create new FAQ entries.


Several forums will allow to ask questions related to STM32 embedded system creation and prograing with System Workbench for STM32.

Before asking for help in the forums, you should look at the Wiki and FAQs, as your question may have been answered already.

File Galleries

File galleries will contain downloadable material from the OpenSTM32 community, including the System Workbench for STM32 IDE, libraries and BSPs for the supported STM32 reference boards.

Authors will be able to upload files to be made available to the whole community.